Friday, March 31, 2006

One down, two to go!

So i just finnished the Le Sport music video, hopefully it will go around different music channels next week. Im not all happy with the final result, 1-2 days more work would have been needed. The editing is not very good in some places, also the colors turned out abit to redish in some scenes. well well, im glad its over now...and i will see if i make a second edit some day.

You can watch the full video att the labels website -, or hopefully on tv.

Now the Boy Omega music video is main priority, I rescently heard that the album release in Germany whent really good and it plays on the radio alot. So i have to finnish it as soon as possible.
I anitmated almost 40 sec yesterday and today and here are some results:

/ Oskar

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Well, productions keeping up!

Oskar just finished the video for Le sport but we still have a lot of things to do. Today I, Andreas, made the first rawcut of the Audrey-music video and I feel it turned out better than I thought so that's nice. I think it could be quite nice in the end. Here is four pictures of the four beautiful girls in the band and the video.




and Anna

Besides the musicvideo: Today I recorded a voice over for the clay-animation which should be finished by friday if everything goes as planned. The VO was made by the lead actor of "Hilbert, seven letters" which, i recently found out, will have a big chance of being screened at SVT. So I'm just waiting for the email of the rights and all that.

And another thing I'm working on is the film WhiteBlack (VitSvart) which also has a first deadline on friday, for the filmfestival Vårrullen. A few shots of the small narrative film by me and my girlfriend, Katarina.

The film is partly in B&W

and Old photos.

Well I'll keep posting about the projects and how it goes and how it all went. Yesterday I saw the trailer for Magnolia and I cried. It felt good. Bye bye now. And stay creative!


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Deadlines moving in - Me, Le sport and an empty apartment

I, Oskar, have been working on the post for the Le Sport musicvideo a couple of days now.
Slowly the pieces fall into place. But there is still alot of work to be done. The editing is finnished but the video is almost 70% greenscreen so alot of grafic remains. And it has to be done at monday morning. The animation part is ok fun to do.. but replaceing all the greenscreen i just boring. Im out of coffe, inspiration and clean cloths. I went outside for 10 min today, that was fun. Bought some cheap pasta and a bag och chips. I think i will award myself with chips later tonight if i worked alot.

And another thing came up this week. Heard about MTVs animation contest, have to try to put something together for that one. Been working on it for a few hours to get my mind of the video. Also filmes a few shots for it in my sisters apartment. Well Well, i will see if i have the time and the ambition to finnsh it.

I have to keep working now its gong to be a long night.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Yesterday me, Andreas, and Oskar met the famous tv-celebrity Fredrik Wikingsson whom we are great admirer of. I've been mailing him for a while and we finally set up for a meeting. So at 13.00 yesterday, me and Oskar where lined up outside Stureplan, Stockholm and I greeted him with the very planned line "You must be Fredrik".

We had a nice lunch at Fridays and we sat and he talked and we talked some and 2 hours and 45 minutes flew by. What's going to happen next is that we are going to send a showreel to their producer and then maybe we will start by editing a pilot for a future comedy-show, just to see if we have the right touch of it. We discussed our different skills and qualities both in script, photo and editing but we agreed that their would be a great start to start off with postproduction, because we couldn't fuck up as much there as we could elsewhere.

I've been starting to edit the musicvideo for Audrey and I hope it will work, it's hard to say right now but I feel we could manage it somehow with som trix. Also this weekend I will try to record a short narrative film with my girlfriend and I really hope we make it, because it feels good making some smaller/shorter films sometime and just feel the creativity flow.

Pictures will be updated soon!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Musicvideo week!

This week and the next will be dedicated to music.

We have 3 musicvideos in production at the moment:
Le Sport

Boy Omega

The Audrey video vill be shot this weekend.
Im doing the grafic, post production and some editing on the new Le sport video. Its shot with an IMX camera with 35mm lenses so it look really good. Here comes some work in progress stills:

There will be alot if pink, stripes and clouds..

Shake it, dont breake it!
/ Oskar

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Well two days after finished filming we finally manage to talk about it.

Well the last hours was intense and we worked through all the last night which of course had it's complications and in the end everything took about double its ordinary time to do. We were not able to finish the last shootings, the absolute last scene and some small extra scenes. But we managed to complete the most complicated one and in the end we must be very pleased with our accomplishments after all. All though we know have to finish the parts on different locations, but I think we'll manage to do so quite well. Markus left some of his stuff, the main characters and so on, for me and Oskar to shoot the last scenes since we have the
camera. I must say that without Markus way of working so professional, and his talent in details, we would not have done this as half as good as we finally made it. And of course he worked hard which made him take a little lap the last night...

Oskar with coffee and Markus a little tired.

It was not only the team who got tired...

Right now we are working on the editing and searching for the perfect Voice Over while our good friend Stefan Storm is thought to make the score for the film. Next week we will try to finish the scenes we haven't filmed yet and then hopefully we will make a first cut before the deadline on the last of march.

Someone was discoverd chatting and being of set during productions.

Finally this will probably be our poster for the film, we really liked this shot:

Carrots, Carrots and more Carrots.

We will keep updating for each time we make progress and have something new, worth telling.

Be cool, stay in school.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Two long days, and three long nights later...

Well we went to bed after almost 24 hours of work, then we began 7 hours after that, the comming night we will probably not sleep anything at all to keep in scheadule. We have to be done by 15.00 tomorrow. While I'm writing this my companions are working and we go in turn to work, except of the director of animation, Markus, who has to be on set all the time.

Yesterday we made a few really nice scenes I think. I espcially digged the ones with the nice designed doctor:

The doctor and the lighting setup.

I feel very pleased about the result so far, and I think this will be far more better than our last clay animation, Awaiting Death, in many ways. I hope the voice over and the sound will be as nice as the setting and the animation.

Leading character eating chips and watching telly.

I really love this way of working, just doing the things you should during a short amount of time and were all the thoughts and all the consentration lays within the production. I feel very relaxed about it.

A very calm scene.

Very well I better stop blogging and get back to my companions and take turn. Deadlines getting closer...


Thursday, March 09, 2006

2nd day of clay week! - First day of animation

Today we cleaned out the hole studio for animation setup. Now, 16 hours later we manage to shoot almost 600 frames of really good scenes. But if we want to finnish till sunday we have to work even faster.

Andreas and Marcus making very very small changes.

So happy together...

Some people started to doubt the production.

Marcus adjusting a "fast moving" rabbit.

Andreas and Oskar looking through todays material.

Tomorrow will be the longest day yet. 5 hours of sleep now, then back to work
- Better to burn out then to fade away


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Progress with the clay animation!

Today has mostly been about building scenery and props. Also tried out the new stop motion software.

After one day the studio already looks like shit.

The main character Klas to the right, his "friend" Benny
in the middle, and then Klas mother to the left.

Work in progress of the kitchen scenery.

Work in progress of the livingroom scenery.

To sum up the day it's been a lot of detail work but no animation, that will be the enjoyment of tomorrow. Be there or be square.


Sunday, March 05, 2006

Consider the blog inaugurated!

We in splinterarts will try to keep updating most of our news and progress here, because it is too much work to do all that on the page. At the same time we made it international so we can let our internation fellow friends see what we are up to. In some future we will try to internationalize the page as well to the well know english language. But we are too busy making movies right now.

We have four projects this month:
"Carrots and Cauliflower" - A clayanimation by Marcus Hagwall, Andreas Öhman and Oskar Gullstrand. It will be recorded v.10 from the 7th to the 12th.
"Audrey - Mecklenburg" - A musicvideo for the wonderful band Audrey, four girls with a unique sound. Find out more about their music at . The video is by Andreas and Oskar
"WhiteBlack" - A colourful film about colors, how they work and what we assosiate by them. The film will be made by
Katarina Emanuelsson and Andreas .
"Le Sport"-video - Oskar is making the video graphic for the latest Le Sport-video.

So now we have started the blog and updated with some information. In the future hopefully everyone in splinterarts will post and maybe there will be more frustration and less objective descpritions.
